How to Use a Magnetic Pop Up Display Stand

How to Use a Magnetic Pop Up Display Stand

Adding Shelves and Accessories

Adding shelves and accessories to your magnetic pop-up display stand can enhance its functionality and visual appeal. When selecting shelves, consider the weight they will bear and choose sturdy options that can handle your products or promotional materials. Opt for accessories that complement your branding and message, such as brochure holders, spotlights, or tablet mounts.

Ensure that shelves and accessories are attached securely to the frame according to the manufacturer's instructions. Position shelves strategically to create an eye-catching display that effectively showcases your products or literature. By customizing your display stand with shelves and accessories, you can maximise its impact at trade shows, exhibitions, or other events.

Installing Additional Features

To enhance the functionality and appeal of your magnetic pop-up display stand, consider adding various accessories and features. One popular option is attaching literature shelves to display brochures, flyers, or product catalogues. These shelves can be easily installed onto the frame of the stand, providing valuable information to potential customers in a neat and organized manner. Additionally, incorporating a monitor mount allows you to include videos or digital presentations in your display, capturing the attention of passersby and engaging them with interactive content.

Another way to customize your display stand is by including spotlights or LED lights. By illuminating specific areas of your display, you can draw focus to key products or messages, creating a visually striking presentation. These lights can be easily attached to the frame of the stand, enhancing the overall aesthetics and ensuring that your display stands out in any environment. Whether you choose to add shelves, monitor mounts, or lighting features, these additional accessories can elevate the impact of your magnetic pop-up display stand and make it more effective in showcasing your products or services.

Troubleshooting Common Display Stand Issues

First, ensure that the base of the display stand is level on the ground. Uneven surfaces can cause the stand to wobble or lean, affecting the overall stability of the display. Use a spirit level to check and adjust accordingly to prevent any issues.

Secondly, check that all magnetic connectors are securely attached. Loose connectors can cause parts of the display stand to detach or misalign, impacting the overall structure. Ensure that each panel is firmly connected to the magnets to maintain the integrity of the stand.

Fixing Misaligned Panels

To fix misaligned panels on your magnetic pop-up display stand, start by checking that all the panels are securely attached to the frame. Gently press on each panel to ensure they are properly seated in the grooves. If you notice any panels that are slightly off, carefully adjust them by applying gentle pressure in the correct direction until they align with the surrounding panels.

If the panels still appear misaligned, try loosening the magnetic connectors slightly to allow for better alignment. Use a flathead screwdriver to carefully adjust the connectors, being cautious not to overtighten them as this can cause the panels to become misaligned again. Once you have made the necessary adjustments, double-check the alignment of all the panels to ensure they are straight and flush with each other.

Packing Away Your Display Stand

When it's time to pack away your magnetic pop-up display stand, follow these simple steps to ensure a smooth process. Begin by carefully dismantling the frame, starting with removing any shelves or accessories that were added. Once these components are detached, gently collapse the frame by following the original assembly steps in reverse order.

Take care to inspect the display stand for any signs of damage or wear and tear. If you notice any issues, address them promptly before storage to ensure the longevity of your stand. Once the frame is disassembled and checked, carefully pack each component away in its designated storage bag or container, making sure everything is secure and protected for future use.

Disassembling the Frame

To disassemble the frame of your magnetic pop-up display stand, start by removing any accessories or shelves that may be attached. Carefully dismantle the main frame by following the reverse order of the assembly instructions. Begin by unlocking the frame connectors and gently pulling the sections apart. Take care to not exert too much force to prevent damaging the frame components.

Once the main frame is disassembled, carefully fold or roll up the graphic panels and secure them for safekeeping. It's important to store the panels in a dry and flat place to avoid creasing or damage. Ensure all components of the display stand are accounted for and properly packed away in their designated storage bags or containers to keep them organized and ready for the next use.


How do I add shelves and accessories to my magnetic pop up display stand?

To add shelves and accessories to your magnetic pop up display stand, simply attach them using the magnetic connections on the stand.

What additional features can I install on my magnetic pop up display stand?

You can install additional features such as lights, brochure holders, and monitor mounts on your magnetic pop up display stand to enhance its functionality.

What are some common display stand issues that may arise?

Common display stand issues include misaligned panels, magnetic connections not holding properly, and lights not working.

How can I fix misaligned panels on my magnetic pop up display stand?

To fix misaligned panels, gently adjust them until they are properly aligned and securely attached to the magnetic connections on the stand.

How should I pack away my magnetic pop up display stand for storage or transportation?

To pack away your magnetic pop up display stand, carefully disassemble the frame, remove any accessories or shelves, and store them in a secure carrying case or bag for safe transportation.

How do I disassemble the frame of my magnetic pop up display stand?

To disassemble the frame of your magnetic pop up display stand, gently remove each panel and carefully fold or collapse the frame according to the manufacturer's instructions.

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